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+1 (201) 541-5526

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Monday - Friday 9:00 AM ET - 5:00 PM ET


General –


"I found this workshop incredibly helpful. This workshop has increased my confidence in conducting and interpreting a meta-analysis. Further, Michael's generosity with his time in taking questions during the breaks and after-hours were an unmeasurable benefit to this workshop. The additional benefits were all the resources provided as part of the workshop- these have been, and will continue to be so incredibly helpful."

Rebecca Lazarus - Macquarie University (Sydney, 2015)

"The class reinforced and expanded my current knowledge of meta-analysis. I have several immediate applications when I go back to my office on how to better clarify the interpretation of results with respect to heterogeneity and subgroup analysis. Thanks for making meta-analysis fun!"

Sharon Tracy - American Dental Association

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